Admission requirements:

  • Fulfilling the admission requirements in accordance with the Higher Education Regulations, which are as follows:
  • Obtaining a bachelor’s degree, first or second class honors, in business administration or any other similar discipline from the College of Administrative Sciences, the University of Science and Technology, or any other similar university.
  • Obtaining a higher diploma in business administration from the College of Administrative Sciences, the University of Science and Technology or any other similar university.

The program is offered in the College of Administrative Sciences, and the study is by courses and research paper, in the blended system (Blended), with a number of 30 credit hours. This program aims to take advantage of the university’s capabilities to implement a modern study plan that contributes to qualifying graduates at the level of a master’s degree so that they can upgrade their professional and academic performance, and acquire the knowledge necessary to conduct scientific research, to participate in advancing the development wheel in the country, and to enrich knowledge in general, and scientific and technical ones. In particular, the program qualifies the graduate to work in companies, banks, private and public sector institutions, in the fields of e-commerce, and others.

Study plan:

Program structure Number of courses Credit hours percentage
course Require   00 course
Graduation project 0 0  
Thesis 0 0 00
Field experience 0 0 0
اother 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0



Sudan Center (SDG) Egypt  Center (USD) Saudi Center (USD)
Registration fees Study Fees Registration fees Study Fees Registration fees Study Fees
Sudanese 520,000 1,300,00 10,000 25,000 736 1,844
For non-Sudanese 520,000 3,900,000 10,000 75,000 736 5,524

Program courses:




Course code Course name required




Prerequisites for the course


Credit hours


First semester


Principles of Economics required 3
Principles of Accounting 3
Principles of Management 3
organizational behavior 3
Quantitative methods 3


Second semester


Cost accounting 3
Production and Operations Management 3
financial management 3
Human Resource Management 3
Basics of Marketing 3