Admission requirements :

Fulfilling the admission requirements according to the Higher Education Regulations, which are as follows:

  1. Candidates for the Master’s Program in Telecommunications Engineering must meet the requirements General registration for higher degrees at the University of Science and Technology.
  2. The applicant to register for the study must have a bachelor’s degree with honors in Communications engineering, electronic or computer engineering, software systems engineering, or Similar fields from the University of Science and Technology or its equivalent.
  3. That the student be a full-time student.
  4.  He should be fluent in English.
Sudan Center (SDG) Egypt  Center (Egyptian pound) Saudi Center (Dirham)
Registration fees Study Fees Registration fees Registration fees Study Fees Registration fees
Sudanese 520,000 1,820,000 10,000 35,000 736 2,584
For non-Sudanese 520,000 6,500,000 10,000 125,000 736 9,204

Mission Statement 

Supporting higher education in Sudan by providing suitable environment for students to become qualified engineers who can contribute to the field of communications engineering locally and regionally. That is through a diversified and advanced plan in communications engineering. the program is offered in the Faculty of Engineering Complex, University of Science and Technology, The study is by courses only, with 36 credit hours. The program aims to scientifically prepare students, rehabilitate them and provide them with sufficient techniques, theoretically and scientifically. That is designed in the fields of communications engineering،they are to contribute to the development of technical awareness and raise the efficiency of university graduates, to train and qualify them at the master’s level, It is also to prepare them to participate in the implementation of plans for the development and development of the state in communications engineering. Providing students with detailed knowledge and a deep and good understanding of the rapidly developing field of Communications Engineering  Providing professional training for students in theoretical and practical fields related to Communications Engineering,

Forming a broad and deep idea about the industrial applications and requirements of Communications and Information Engineering and related administrative issues , develop self-learning skills and objective assessment when Students and their encouragement for self-learning and continuous professional development.

The program qualifies the graduate to work in companies, banks, private and public sector institutions, in the fields of e-commerce, and others.

Study plan:

First Semester:

Contacted hours per week Credit hours Course name Course code
practical theory
3 3  

engineering mathematics


3 3 3 Introduction to communications engineering and signal analysis


3 3 3 advanced digital signal processor


3 3 3 digital communication engineering


9 12 12 Total

Second Semester:

Contacted hours per week Credit hours Course name Course code
practical theory
3 3 3 Optional course
3 3 3 Optional course
3 3 3 Optional course
3 3 3 Optional course
12 12 12



Third Semester:

Contacted hours per week Credit hours Course name Course code
practical theory
3 3 3 Optional course
3 3 3 Optional course
3 3 3 Optional course
3 3 3 project
12 12 12



Program components and total contact hours:

Percentage Total Contact Hours Credit Hours Field


Practical Theory
4.5% 45 45 3 Maths
27% 270 135 135 9 Compulsory courses in the engineering and processing of communications signals
64% 630 315 315 21 Elective courses in Communications and Networks Engineering
4.5% 45 45 3 The project
100% 990 540 495 36 Total

Compulsory courses:

Subject Credit hours Course code No.
Engineering Mathematics 3 TE01 1
Introduction to communication systems and signal analysis 3 TE02 2
Advanced digital signal processing 3 TE03 3
Advanced Digital Communications Engineering 3 TE04 4

Elective Courses: (ب)

Subject Course code No.
Real-time computer  for communications  systems TE5 5
Modeling and simulation TE06 6
Computer and communications network TE07 7
Microwave Circuits principle and design TE08 8
Optical Fiber communication TE09 9
Wireless communication and Mobile Networks TE10 10


Satellite communications TE11 11
Radio Systems Design TE12 12
Antenna and RF system TE13 13
Computer  Architecture TE14 14
Adhoc  network TE16 15
Microwave system engineering TE16 16
Data communication Networks TE17 17
Information theory and coding TE18 18
Routing and Switching TE19 19
Switching and Network Traffic Modelling:


TE20 20
 IP Networks:


TE21 21
 Radio Frequency (RF) Circuit Engineering:


TE22 22
Traffic Theory


TE23 23
 Broadband Networks


TE24 24
 High Speed Networks


TE25 25
 wireless Communication system:


TE26 26
Selected topic TE27 27