The program is held at the University Dental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry, and the study is by courses and supplementary research, using the blended system. The total number of credit hours to complete the program is 120 credit hours.  This program aims to:

  1. To provide the opportunity for the candidates to become orthodontists by increasing their knowledge in the specialty. To prepare program graduates to enter an academic or clinical (private or public) practice career.
  2. To train students to conduct independent research work, and to write and publish manuscripts in refereed journals.

The program qualifies the graduate to work as orthodontist and also as academic cadre


رسوم الدراسة والتدريب


لجميع المراكز

رسوم تسجيل

 لجميع المراكز



نوع الشهادة


برنامج تقويم


10,000 دولار 200 دولار


سوداني ماجستير بالمقررات
15,000 دولار 200 دولار



Admission requirements:

  1. Should hold the degree of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) or equivalent.
  2. Permanent registration certificate from Sudan Medical Council or equivalent.
  3. English proficiency test: ILETS (score of 6) or TOEFL (score of 75). Otherwise, a candidate must pass the UST Examination for Professional English (UST-EPE).

Applicants must provide declaration of full time obligation to the program.


Registration fees Study Fees
Sudanese 200 10,000
For non-Sudanese 200 15,000

Study plan

Program structure Number of courses  

Credit hours

course required 11 45 37.5
optional 00 00 00
Thesis            1 20 16.6
Field experience 0 0 0
Laboratory & Clinical Training 0 55 45.9
Total 0 120 100

Program courses:

First Year

Laboratory and Clinic

(20 Cr hrs)

Basic Science & General Biologic Subjects

(5 Cr hrs)

Orthodontic Therapy & Related Subjects

(15 Cr hrs)

Edgewise technique (hands on course) Anatomy of the head and neck Classification
Epidemiology Etiology
Removable appliances

(hands on course)

Biostatistics Biologic reaction to tooth movement
Clinical digital photography

(hands on course)

Cell biology Development of the dentition
Treatment of patients with :

-modified edgewise technique

-straight wire technique

-conventional and self-ligating bracket

– functional appliances

Genetics Craniofacial growth & development
Radiology Orthodontic technique and materials
Computer science Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plan
Journal club
Orthodontic biomechanics
Clinical conference (case presentation)
Early mixed dentition treatment


Second year


(8 Cr hrs)


Laboratory & Clinical

(20 Cr hrs)

Basic Science & General Biologic Subjects

(2 Cr hrs)

Orthodontic Theory &Related Subjects

(10 Cr hrs)

Masters in orthodontics Functional appliances (hands on course) Growth and development of the human body Orthodontic techniques and materials
  Treatment of patients with :

– modified edge wise technique

– straight wire technique

-conventional and self ligating brackets.

– functional appliances

Syndromes related to the head and neck Orthognathic surgery
    Tempromandibular disorders Adjunctive orthodontics






    Research methodology. Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plan
    Research Ethics Clinical conference

( case presentation)

    Oral pathology Journal club


Third year


(12 Cr hrs)


(15 Cr hrs)

General Subjects

(3 Cr hrs)

Orthodontic Related subjects

(10 Cr hrs)

Masters in orthodontics Treatment of patients with ;

– modified edge wise technique.

– Straight wire technique.

– Conventional & self ligating brackets.

– functional appliances

Practice management Adult Orthodontic treatment
Defending thesis Completion and transfer of patient records Oral health Retention
Final oral (clinical examination) Psychology of child , adolescent and adult Evaluation of post retention cases
Hazards in orthodontics

(root resorption, relapse)

Iatrogenic considerations
Clinical conference

( case presentation)

Journal club
Cleft palate

The number of graduates:

Program name 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
MSc Clinical Orthodontics  0 0 0 2 3 0 0